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Showing posts from March, 2011

Abstract LOLOS !

Anisotropy generally represents a problem for seismic processing. However, knowledge about the origin of observed the anisotropy, be it due to stresses or lithology, may represent valuable information about the actual formations. This is what rock physics do - cracking the pandora box. Alhamdulillahirobbilalamin, abstract poster/poster yang aku kirim 2 bulan lalu berbuah manis. Dua"nya lolos untuk event Society of Petrophysicist and Well Log Analyst (SPWLA) dan Association of American Petroleum Geologist (AAPG) Rocky Mt. Section . Seperti yang bisa dibaca via hyperlink di atas, dua event ini adalah conference tahunan yang selalu diadakan di US. SPWLA lebih cocok untuk para rock physicist, petrophysicist, well log analyst, and drilling engineer. Acaranya bakal berlokasi di CO Springs - mid May. Sedangkan AAPG Rocky Mt. Sec lebih cocok untuk para geologist tentunya, lebih spesifik yang punya concern di bidang unconventional reservoir (entah kenapa section ini kok lebih ke arah situ...

Source Rock Analyzer

Kemarin sore, aku mendapatkan kesempatan untuk mencoba eksperimen yang berkaitan dengan geochemistry analysis untuk coal samples. Belum sampai pada tahapan bener" nyoba sih, baru sekedar persiapan sample-nya aja. Eksperimen ini disebut Source Rock Analyzer (SRA). Dari nama uda ketebak banget - yup, ni eksperimen digunakan untuk menganalisa source rock baik dari segi kualitatif dan kuantitatif, terutama dari sisi kandungan material organiknya. Eksperimen ini untuk aku yang bukan geochemist cukup unik. Basically dia mencoba untuk merekonstruksi ulang kejadian si source rock mengexpulsi oil/gas. Cuma bedanya, kalau secara alamiah si source rock butuh ter-buried pada depth yang dalam dan waktu (geologi) yang lama, sedangkan ini kita bermanipulasi di temperature dan waktu yang relatif singkat (dibanding waktu geologi). Namun, salah satu kerancuan & keraguan yang bergelora di dalam dada ini muncul ketika tau bahwa sistem kerja SRA ini ada open system (terekspos dengan udara atmosp...

San Francisco Trip, Winter Break 2010

Hullo - As some of you may have noticed, I have become addicted to video-taping my daily activities. Not to mention that blogging, of course, is something I enjoyed nowadays as well. Below is the video of road trip to San Francisco. It was very nice experience since I had chance to drive interstate :) Full album can be seen : Enjoy.

Deforestation change the atmospheric chemistry

I found interesting issues from AGU (American Geophysics Union) bulletin. A research spotlight on how the swing of axe will affect the atmospheric condition - particularly its chemistry. From Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, doi:10.1029/2010JD14021, 2010 When a tree is cut down, carbon that has been stored for tens, hundreds, or even thousands years is released to the environment. In addition, feeling that tree slightly alters the wind's path through the woods. If enough forest is cleared, significant changes can be seen in the weather patterns and the global carbon cycle. However, the forest is more than a box of carbon and wind screen. In a news study, Ganzeveld et al. used a climate model that takes into account atmospheric chemistry and gas exchanges at the Earth's surface. The researches wanted to understand the long-term effect of land use change, which, in addition to carbon cycle and weather pattern effects, can also affect concentrations of various react...

Effective Stress in Shales

Shales comprise almost 70% of subsurface sedimentary rocks. They are often the source and seal of a petroleum system. Hence a proper understanding and prediction of the mechanical and elastic properties of shale and its main component, clay is key to the success of petroleum exploration and production. Definition Shale is a fissile sedimentary rock and is composed of clay sized particles. They are complex porous materials consisting of percolating and interpenetrating fluid and solid phases (Hornby, 1995). The solid phase is generally composed of a variety of materials, mainly clay minerals and silt. The shape, orientation, distribution and volume fraction of these minerals control the effective elastic properties of the shales. Qualitative view of the microstructure of shales at various scales (Sarout & Gueguen, 2008) Anisotropy in Shales A transversely isotropic material is a special class of orthotropic material. A transversely isotropic material is one with physical properti...