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Showing posts from July, 2013

It's getting near!

I know. Maybe it was the nearly-1-month Ramadhan which made me a bit laid back. Or maybe it has been a month after I received the admission letter from NCU which explicitly providing premature attempts (and failing, ha!) to show my personal life, health, and sanity out of the picture. I definitely should have prodded myself again and ring a bell as the time is clacking hastily. It is only thirty-days left until my departure to the so-called Formosa Island (oh geez don't frame me for being sluggish in thumbing-over one's history). Ain't like four-years ago when I left my country for America, this time around I don't really clasp the jitters. Not saying that I am ready to take the stakes, of course I have these quivers. But compared to the last one, this time is way better. It is just so much prominent when you know you are about to leave your country, family, and friends, yet you don't have to horse trade with any monkey business around your life. Yesterda...

Testimoni Kapita Selekta B ~

So ceritanya tadi pagi saya baru aja ngirim hasil koreksi ujian akhir Kapsel B sekaligus nilai akhir ke pak Sudarmaji. Dengan demikian resmi sudah saya menghendel salah satu kelas elektif di semester genap ini. Dibandingkan jadi asisten praktikum atau asisten kuliah, kelas yang satu ini emang agak (kalo kata jeunk Siti Nurhaliza) berbeza. Perbedaan paling nyata itu adalah ketika saya memegang penuh kendali kelas ini, termasuk aturan main kelas, jenis pe er, hingga persentase penilaian akhir. Yup, bahkan Pak Aji selaku dosen tetap kelas ini ngga ikut campur! Wewenang 100% dibawah kendali saya hoho. Ide dari ngajar di kelas ini adalah ngga lain dari keprihatinan saya ngeliat silabus Geofisika UGM yang cenderung teoritis sekali (dari jaman saya dulu jugak gitu). Bahkan sampek semester delapan minim banget kuliah aplikatifnya. Sekali lagi  kuliah aplikatif   lho ya, bukan praktek lapangan (kalo praktek lapangan mah Geofisika UGM paling joss hahay). Sementara kampus sebelah su...