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It's getting near!

I know. Maybe it was the nearly-1-month Ramadhan which made me a bit laid back. Or maybe it has been a month after I received the admission letter from NCU which explicitly providing premature attempts (and failing, ha!) to show my personal life, health, and sanity out of the picture.

I definitely should have prodded myself again and ring a bell as the time is clacking hastily. It is only thirty-days left until my departure to the so-called Formosa Island (oh geez don't frame me for being sluggish in thumbing-over one's history). Ain't like four-years ago when I left my country for America, this time around I don't really clasp the jitters. Not saying that I am ready to take the stakes, of course I have these quivers. But compared to the last one, this time is way better. It is just so much prominent when you know you are about to leave your country, family, and friends, yet you don't have to horse trade with any monkey business around your life.

Yesterday, my dear mom knocked on my room on a crystal clear squally day. It was only 8 a.m and yet I have not resuscitated from bed. It was Sunday anyway, why would I? My Mandarin-laoshi once even guessed that I must be awaken at 11 a.m on weekend, something that I would dare to do. My mom is notably hushed over my room unless there was something salient needed to do. She was like 'It's getting near, you've gotta pack your stuff right now' in the her nasal voice. Never been in years I saw my mom got overwrought of something, except when she cooked. The kitchen is her bureau and that's the only place where I habitually see her excitement poured out.

Still under my training shorts, my brain ended up agree with her: I need to think about luggage compartment. Definitely, clothes packing is not something I relish to do. But credits to my mom (and sometimes my sister) for always avail me! By the end of afternoon, I managed to pack (only) winter clothes, undergarments, t-shirts and they have pervaded almost 70% of the luggage's size. Crap, I was not ready to buy a bigger one nor I wanted too bring to many clothes. But to deal with a four-seasons island, there is no other way to subsist unless pertinent clothing meets the purpose. Not sure whether I need to impair some of them nor I would like to purchase clothes overseas.

Thirty-days is only a blink of an eye. A-month ago I was thinking to ship my stuff (esp shoes) overseas instead of backpack it with me. Especially with the over-cramped luggage, shipping the shoes would be a better option. I planned to bring 4 types (?) of shoes: field work, gym/execise, sneakers, and formal pairs of shoes. My mom could not be overjoyed with my idea - she is my #1 complainer when it comes to buying shoes. Got to admit that I am a bit of shoes-holic so (tbh) having only 4 shoes with me overseas is (a bit) insufficient lol.

Well, the moving is nowhere of being ended, but it's getting near soon!


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