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Showing posts from October, 2013

Review of Mallik 2002 Gas Hydrate Research Well Program

A short review on Mallik 2002 Gas Hydrate Research Well Program : (The video footage be seen here ) Mallik 2002 drilling was the first fruitful pilot project of gas hydrate research well program. This immense work involved different wide range partnerships from America, Japan, India, Germany, and Canada. The field itself was situated at Canada’s Mackenzie delta with the target was 113m thick of methane hydrate layer, concealed beneath a massive permafrost layer with depth around 890m – 1108m. Various intentions were bestowed under the project, including core sample recovery, borehole logging data, and methane hydrate formation characteristic analysis. But the leading goal was to acquire acquisition data related to production test. The natural condition of the field was one of the biggest challenges prior to the beginning of project. Other than winter season, the area would become wetland. In consequence, the land roads are not accessible during the time. Thus, the program wa...

What Have Changed After 48 Days Living in Taiwan?

Malam ini genap menjadi malam ke-48 saya menjadi warga tidak tetap bumi Formosa, sebuah negara yang hobi banget dilanda taifun / tornado. Yoloh sumpah demi apa belum genap dua bulan disini, tapi terhitung udah ada tiga taifun wara wiri di sekitar pulau ini. Kompaknya nih, seluruh taifun ini selalu terjadi pas weekend dong ya, so swit beuds. Alhasil selama 3 minggu itu juga saya nge-gabut maksimal di dorm. Emang sih dulu pertama kali nylungsep di dorm ini dikasi tau 'kalau ada taifun/tornado jangan pergi kemana-mana ya' . And I was like, "The hell, it is only a gust. Why so serious?". Ternyata namanya kisah legenda itu emang banyak hikmahnya. Ibarat endingnya malin kundang dikutuk jadi batu, payung yang baru aja dibeli dari Kerfur seharga 350NTD (sekitar 120ribu rupiah) jebol dengan gemilangnya pada hari dimana taifun kedua eksis. Sumpah gondok banget, secara payung yang jebol itu adalah payung berukuran maha-besar yang biasa dibawa sama mbak mbak seksi buat mayungi...