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My confessions to you :)

I wanted to share a list I made of things I love about myself to you. Yeah it seems really egotistical but I believe we should love ourselves more. I have spent most of my life hating myself for all kinds of things so its time to start loving what God has given. Here is some of my confessions of love to you! I would love to see some of yours!

Things I love about myself: Physical

1. I love my hands… they are tireless and strong … I believe God made them like that because He knew I would have written lots of papers / journals :)

2. I love my dark hair … it is wavy - I used to hate it, but now I think it’s what makes me distinctive.

3. I love my freckles. My dad gave me. Someone once told me I look like a chocolate chip cookie. I thought …….yummmmmmm :D

4. I love my feet! They are so big, and quite flexible. I liked to spin quite often when I was kid.

5. I love my big physique. I may not look like an athlete of some sort, but I can do many things.

6. I love my voice. I am gifted with two types of voice : baritone , the very deep-low-manly voice (only happened every time I woke up in the morning) or tenor, high pitch-squeeling voice (this is my regular voice). Although I would loved to have the low register voice better, the regular voice granted me job as radio announcer when I was in college.

7. I love my dimples. None of my siblings had these !

8. I love my eyelids. I like the shape, they support my eyes to be looked bigger.

9. I love my skin because it is soft and never gave me any problems as a teen !

Things I love about myself: Emotional

1. I love my ability to feel emotion. I feel so many feelings and I feel them with the heartiness of a chili….. nice and thick!

2. I love my sense of humor because I don’t take myself too seriously and I make fun of those who do…. It tends to make everyone laugh.

3. I love my melancholy side. I never hiding or distracting myself from not feeling anything to people.

4. I love my fire like competitive side because it pushes me to be the best that I can, I am never satisfied with mediocrity, I love to win.

5. I love my ability to communicate to others using all different kinds of mediums—whether it be writing, teaching, talking, listening, — I do it with clarity and with much passion.

6. I love my sense of loyalty because I am true-blue, I try my best to do unto others as I would have done unto me.

7. I love my perfectionist habit, I never dare to squander my time by going through the motions.

8. I love that I have a gift for inspiring. I think God wanted me to be a school teacher or something- I am really good a breaking things down and making things fun at the same time.

9. I love that I have a thirst for knowledge. Knowledge about any and everything- I read tons of books on so many different subjects- I am always hungry for wisdom.

10. I love my ability to be resilient. I have failed and fallen many times but I always get back up and try again.

Things I love about myself: Spiritual

1. I love my connection with God. It is so unique and unusual. God speaks to me in so many ways.

2. I always believe anything happened for reasons.

3. I love my intuition - It is always right, every time I stray from it I learn a BIG lesson.

4. I love prayer - I love to communicate with God and count my blessings. I love when my prayers are answered, they always are, even when I doubt.

5. I love the oceans. They are my home, my source of inspiration, and bring me pure joy.

6. My favorite color is black. Dignified and impressive without being showy.

7. I love my nest, my home, I create it – it becomes an extention of me and how I feel. It is my sanctuary for my spirit.


  1. bungsunyu8:05 PM

    My confession is I'm unyu .

  2. dimples? Wanna have it :|
    I guess u r so cute when smile ;)


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