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Showing posts from June, 2011

Energy for People

All life depends on water. It's a precious resource in arid regions such as Colorado where precipitation from rain and snow must meet the needs of wildlife, municipal, agricultural, industrial and recreational users. Given these growing demands, efficient water use in our operations is essential. There are many ways to preserve this resource and they all start with us. Here are just a few things we can all do to preserve this precious resource : Always fill reusable water bottle. Americans buy more than 8 billions gallons of bottled water a year and toss more than 22 billion empty plastic bottles in the trash. Run the clothes washer and dishwasher only when they are full. You can save up to 1.000 gallons a month. Turn off the water while brushing you teeth and save 25 gallons a month. Turn the faucet off. For every minute you reduce you faucet use, you save about 1.6 gallons of water. Install a new low-flow showerhead. It can save 25-50 percent more water. Xeriscape...

Can an Eclipse Change Earth's Gravity ? (Opinion)

Total lunar eclipse ended (22:02 UTC) as seen in Dubai ( This is purely my opinion. I am not an astrophysicist nor planetary geophysicist. Can an eclipse change earth's gravity ? It depends, it boils down into which eclipse and scale you are talking. However, my notes below is open for discussion. An eclipse is an astronomical event that happens when one astronomical object is temporarily obscured, either by passing into the shadow of other bodies or by getting other bodies pass between it and the viewer. The term eclipse is most often used to describe either a solar eclipse, when the Moon's shadow crosses the Earth's surface, or a lunar eclipse, when the Moon moves into the shadow of E arth. Unfortunately, I never heard/read historical daily data on Earth's gravity, because (once again : only my opinion) this is only a function of the Earth's size and mass, both of which are not changing significantly over time. There is only one regular c...

Petrophysics Journal

BIG SURPRISE ! My last poster on SPWLA will be published in the Petrophysics Journal ! Whoaa - such a bizarre great announcement for rookie like me ! Petrophysics Journal means a lot to me. When I came to the U.S and started to learn rock physics, this journal was the first publication I studied. Most of my thesis' references I got from this journal ! What makes this journal different than any other Geophysics / Geology journal is its specific topic covers on petrophysics, rock physics, drilling, and well log analysis only. So you won't expect to see much seismic section here. Now, having my own paper in the journal I am used to read is really cool ! (tho, I need to start writing the paper!) The latest cover issue of Petrophysics Journal ! Yes, I am used to read tons of papers from this journal ! Big credits to Anthony Holmes (the President of DWLS) for promoting my poster to the Petrophysics Journal, and of course to my advisers for their big supports. Also for you whose read...

Golden Farmer's Market

Salah satu tempat hang out weekend pagi" lumayan asoi di Golden selama summer adalah Golden Farmer's Market. Apa itu? Basically ini semacem 'pasar' dadakan yang digelar hanya di setiap hari Sabtu dala m satu minggu, uda gitu cuma buka dari jam 8-12 aja. Tentu pasar dsini bukan kayak pasar Beringharjo (yang kalo mau jalan aja harus adu pantat dulu, mana panas gila) atau pasar Kranggan (yang kalo abis ujan selalu becek). Versi pasar dsini pake tenda" macem penjual merchandi se di Soundr enaline. Kenapa Golden Farmer's Market? Soalnya ni event (duile event, apa coba) cuma ekseees 3 bulan saza, dimulai dari awal summer - berakhir di awal fall. Jadi ini ngga ada di musim" lain (so pastilah coy, apalagi winter di Colorado bisa seekstrim -30 C, mending duduk manis deket heater deh). Apa aja yang dijual ? Seputaran makanan. Jadi macem sayuran, telur, pasta, bakery, susu, root beer (beer non al cohol mirip root beernya A&W), dll. Enaknya dsini adalah semu...

CSM Geophysics Field Camp 2011

** Things that I wrote below was exclusively taken from my personal notes / camera, thus miswriting of any technical related issues might occur which I don't give a damn - I considered myself as geo-journalist, I wrote based on what they had mentioned / showed. However I will make comments for some interesting notes that I have. I am hoping to inspire any young geoscientist to be creative but precise in paraphrasing their notes as what I will do now. Located at Berthoud Hall 241, today at 9 am I attended the Geophysics (GP) Field Camp final presentation. The GP field camp is a mandatory field work course for junior Geophysics students at CSM. This year, students from Imperial College London (ICL) and Boise State University (BSU) are also participating in the field work. There are 50 students in total. Watching the final presentation, for sure, reminded me to GP field works that I have had back when I was undergrad. This 2.5 hrs presentation had great animo from non-participants (li...